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House rentals for the Phoenix Open
Travel and access restrictions may be planned for this event. Venue access for Phoenix Open ticket holders via park and ride facilities and scheduled transportation services to TPC Scottsdale.

The Phoenix Open 2025 event & venue information

event travel

Phoenix Open 2025 Accommodation

House rental only 18 minutes to the Phoenix Open venue. 12.8 miles. 3 bedroom home. Sleeps 6. 2 queen beds, 2 twin beds, queen blow up bed. Beautiful and remodeled. Huge pool, not heated. Large yard space. Poker table, washer and dryer. The price includes up to 2 weeks. Added bonus :)

Location: 51 Freeway and Cactus Area
Bedrooms: 3
Price: $9,800

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To check availability on this rental or to make a booking please contact Niki May at 602-301-3922 or by email using the contact form below.

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