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Travel and access restrictions may be planned for this event. Venue access for Ryder Cup ticket holders via park and ride facilities and scheduled transportation services to Adare Manor Hotel and Golf resort.

Ryder Cup 2027 event & venue information

event travel

Ryder Cup 2027 Accommodation

Fantastic private residence in presteen condition enhanced with all the comforts of home. Huge kitchen come dining room with conservatory.Four spacious bedroom ,fifth bedroom game/office set up facilitates pull out couch. Three bedrooms on main. Two upstairs bedrooms ,one oversized to cater to 3 adults. Easy comfort for 10 adults , spacious for additional child needs. 2 full bathrooms , walk-in shower, bath. Oversized front and backyard with patio. Private electronic gate for security and privacy. Beautiful country setting minutes from Mallow for local ammenities, shops, restuarant and gastro Irish pubs.

Per GPS Navigation
1hr to Adare Mannor
38 mins to Cork Aiport
1hr 20mins to Shannon Airpot

Location: Maymount, Knockbrack, Burnfort, Mallow , Co.Cork P51r889
Bedrooms: 5
Price: €30,000

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