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Travel and access restrictions may be planned for this event. Venue access for Ryder Cup ticket holders via park and ride facilities and scheduled transportation services to Adare Manor Hotel and Golf resort.

Ryder Cup 2027 event & venue information

event travel

Ryder Cup 2027 Accommodation

4 bedroom modern house.

Can sleep 8 people in total. Beds can be arranged in doubles or singles to the clients needs. There are three bathrooms, one en suite. There are two showers and a bath in the house.

Plenty space for car parking.

Bed and breakfast for the Ryder Cup in a safe and secure location. Lovely quiet country setting.

Ryder Cup Accommodation within easy access of all major towns such as Tralee and Killarney.

Farranfore Is the local village only 3km away with shop, pharmacy, pub (bar) that serves food and has a train station and bus station.

The house is approximately 3 miles from Kerry Airport.

Transfer to and from accommodation to Adare included if necessary and house owner is available for driving during guest stay to Ireland.

The house itself is a modern house, well insulated and has both oil and solid fuel heating. Turf and firewood are available. There is a high speed Internet connection in the house with a smart TV.

Price shown is for 10 days accomodation as well as breakfast and transport to and from the event.

Location: Farranfore, Killarney, County Kerry
Bedrooms: 4
Price: 25000

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To check availability on this rental or to make a booking please contact Denis O Mahony at 00353876663089 or by email using the contact form below.

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